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Do You Feel Anxious and Stressed a Lot of the Time?

Do You Struggle to Let Go of Your Negative Thoughts and Emotions?

Do You Experience Conflict in Your Close Relationships?

Do You Battle to Go to Sleep and to Sleep Well Through the Night?

Have You Been Seeing a Mental Health Professional Regularly?

Do You Use Alcohol or Drugs to Help You Reduce Your Stress and Sleep?

Is Worry About the Sick State of the World Making You Feel Like This?

stressed woman needing meditation

If you answered 'Yes' to any of these Questions, or maybe your physical and mental health are already pretty good, but you still want to improve your Quality of Life and Effectiveness, I'd like to help you to...

Discover the Simple Technique That Will Help You to Transform Your Dis-ease & Dysfunction Into Peace, Health & High Functioning Flow...

You've probaby heard about the benefits of Meditation, but you may not be doing it regularly or at all for one reason or another.

Meditation has been scientifically proven in hundreds of studies* to help regular meditators Lower their Stress Levels and Improve their Health, Well-being, Quality of Life and Performance. And that's just a short synopsis - keep reading for a more comprehensive list of its Life-changing Benefits... 

21 Ways That Regular Meditation Can Help You...

  •  Lower Your Stress Levels 
  •  ​​Experience More Peace of Mind
  • ​ Be Relaxed and Poised Under Pressure  
  • ​ Enjoy More Mental Clarity  
  •  ​Improve Your Concentration & Ability to Focus 
  •  ​Have Consistently Higher Energy Levels 
  • ​ Go to Sleep More Easily and Sleep More Deeply
  • ​ Enjoy Better Productivity & Effectiveness    
  • ​ Boost Your Immune System & General Health
  • ​ Reduce Pain & Inflammation
  • ​ Enhance Your Sense of Well-being
  • ​ Slow Down the Aging Process 
  •  Live Longer ​​and Feel Younger
  • ​ Tap Into Your Intuition ​& Creativity More Consistently 
  • ​ Improve Your Memory 
  • Increase Your Emotional Intelligence & Have Better Relationships 
  • Be More Compassionate & Forgiving
  •  ​Be Authentically Happier 
  • ​ Feel More Fulfilled & Contented  
  • ​ Find More Flow in Your Daily Activities
  • ​ Be Truly Successful by Finding Harmony and Balance in Your Life...

* Want to see some of the Research to Back these Benefits Up? Click or Tap Here... 

I could go on about its benefits, but if the benefits I've just mentioned above aren't powerful enough to convince you that you should be meditating regularly, nothing will.

But I suspect that, if you're not meditating regularly, it's not because you don't intellectually understand its benefits. 

So, if you're not meditating regularly, why not? 

I understand you're normally busy. You may have problems you're struggling to deal with. You may have kids who take up a lot of your time, or a demanding partner or business or job. 

But, if you're going to be confined to your home for the next few weeks or possibly even months, that excuse no longer holds water.

Perhaps it never did even when you were really busy. Maybe the true purpose of this pandemic and consequent lockdown is to make us all question how we live and what we normally do with our time every day. 

This is a Spiritual Reset, a time for Reflection and Contemplation that will lead to much-needed personal and societal Rejuvenation and Transformation

Don't get me wrong. I'm not blaming you. Our society is not set up to encourage people to spend time meditating. Quite the opposite in fact.

We're conditioned to believe that hard work and continuous busyness are the keys to success in life and business (there's no accident the words are so similar!), and if we're not continuously busy, we're somehow not a worthwhile member of society. 

And of course, let's not forget the continuous pressure of having to earn money to support you and your family. 

Trust me, I know these pressures well. I have a family and I've experienced the stress that family life and lack of money can cause. 

But now, although you have time at home, you may be stressing even more about paying your bills because you've been prevented from working. 

But these are the very reasons you need to meditate. Meditation allows you to Escape from all the Stress and Find Peace of Mind no matter what's happening in your life for the time you're in meditation. 

Then, when you come back to your life, you don't feel the same way about your apparent problems because you're in a different state of mind. 

What's more, you can often get answers to problems while you're in meditation. 

Again, I know this from personal experience. I've been meditating pretty much every day for over 20 years and its profoundly changed and improved my quality of life. 

Meditation has also helped me get through some very challenging times in which I could have spiralled down into depression or even psychosis, but it helped me let go of the darkness and find the Light in my own mind again. 

If you're going through some challenging times right now - maybe you're feeling depressed, overwhelmed, stressed out and anxious about the state of the world and your life - you're in the right place to start healing these conditions and finding your way back to the Light in your own mind that is the source of your Happiness, Peace and Well-being

Or maybe you already see the Opportunity for Transformation this time presents and are willing to learn to embrace the Challenges that Life Throws at You and Enjoy Your Moment-by-Moment Experience of Life more (which I call being in 'Flow'). 

"So how exactly can you help me?" you're probably asking yourself now. Keep reading to find out...

How I Can Help You to Start Enjoying the Benefits of Regular Meditation...

I'd like to offer you a Simple Way to Make Meditation a Regular Part of Your Life so you can start experiencing the benefits of doing it for yourself. 

There are thousands of apps with recorded meditations out there - maybe you already have one or more of them installed on your phone. But do you use them regularly or at all?

I know I've downloaded a couple and never used them - even though I was paying a monthly subscription for one of them for a few months.

Why is that? Because they didn't engage with me on a personal level, I found it difficult to log in (and then when I finally had logged in to the one I was paying for, I couldn't actually listen to any of the meditations!)  

If you've had a similar experience, then the FREE Live Online Guided Meditations I'm offering may just help you to start meditating regularly.

"So why is this going to work?" you may well ask. 

1. I'll Connect With You on a Personal Level in a Way No App Can...

We're not robots and listening to a real live human being guide you through a meditation along with other human beings in the same room creates an emotional connection (also known as 'Love') that beats a recorded meditation any day

It's not possible for us to meet every day in a physical room because you may be on the other side of the world, but thanks to technology, we can meet in a Virtual Room online where I can connect with you emotionally and guide you into a deep state of meditation, along with other like-minded souls.  

2. The Group Energy Helps You to Feel Deep Love and Gratitude...

When you meditate in a group
, even if the other people in the group are not physically present in the same room, you benefit from and also contribute to the group energy, which adds a dimension to your meditation experience that you cannot get when you meditate on your own.

I can't really describe the Love and Gratitude you'll feel during and after you've meditated with other people in these sessions - you need to experience it for yourself...

3. Each Meditation is Unique, So You'll Never Get Bored...

Every meditation is unique as they are being delivered live from a state of Presence in which I 'go with the Flow'

I also incorporate a different spiritual principle and some reading and meditations from a book called A Course in Miracles, one of the most profound spiritual books and teachings in the world, into most of the meditations, so there's no chance you'll ever get bored of doing the same meditation every day. 

Note: If you happen to be studying 'the Course', these meditations are a great way to immerse yourself in the Workbook Lessons in the contemplative way that they were designed to be read and allow the lessons to penetrate into your subconscious mind so you'll 'get' them on a deeper level.    

4. You'll Be Reminded About the Sessions Every Day and Feel Accountable, So You're Far More Likely to Show Up and Do Them...

Another reason to give this a try, especially if you're struggling to establish a regular meditation practice in your life, is that it creates a regular schedule that I'll remind you of every day via WhatsApp message.

So you'll be called into the meditation by a reminder every day and I and other like-minded people will be there to welcome and connect with you. This creates Accountability to a group, which research and decades of experience has shown is a very positive motivating force for an individual to change their habitual behaviour, which in this case, will help you to create a regular meditation practice and start reaping the benefits of regular meditation...

When Do These Live Online Meditation Sessions 

Good question. 

Every day, I'm guiding people logging in to an online meditation room through two 15-minute to half-hour meditation sessions starting at the following times: 

Meditation 1: Starts @ 12.30 pm UK Time* (11.30 am GMT, 7.30 am EDT, 1.30 pm SA Time)

Meditation 2: 

Starts @ 5 pm UK Time* (4 pm GMT, 12 pm EDT, 6 pm SA Time) on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays

Starts @ 6.30 pm UK Time* (5.30 pm GMT, 1.30 pm EDT, 7.30 pm SA Time) on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays

*Note: The UK times are currently British Summer Time (BST), ie. GMT/UTC time + 1 hour.  

How Do I Log In to These Meditation Sessions? 

Another good question. 

We use an Online Meeting App called Zoom as the platform to deliver these meditations online. The Zoom app works on any smartphone, tablet or computer and only takes up about 25 MB of space.

It's very easy to use and requires only a device with a microphone and speaker (camera isn't necessary) and a reasonably strong and reliable Internet connection for a good experience. 

If you don't already have it installed on your computer or mobile device, you can download it now by clicking or tapping the button below and then selecting 'Zoom Client for Meetings' if you're installing it on a computer or scrolling down to 'Zoom Mobile Apps' further down the page and selecting one of the 'Download in App Store' or 'Download in Google Play' buttons depending on whether you're using an Apple or Android device.

How Long Do These Meditations Last? 

The first lunch-time meditation is generally shorter - typically 15 - 20 minutes - while the second one generally lasts between 20 and 25 minutes.

As these are live sessions with people logging in, we usually take a few minutes for people to arrive for the session, so please allow 25 minutes of your time for the first session and half an hour for the second session

What Kind of Meditation Do You Do?

Excellent question. 

The meditations are always based on the very simple yet effective mind-calming technique of Breath Watching. Watching your breath is a very ancient meditation technique that forms part of the original system of yoga, which means 'union' in Sanskrit, that was first written down by Patanjali. It was adopted and adapted by Siddartha Gauatama ('the Buddha') and many Buddhist teachers through the ages and is now incorporated into a meditation technique called Vipassana.   

I sometimes incorporate More Advanced Breathing Techniques like Breath Holding and Breath/Energy Locks, as well as Visualisation and Silence into the meditations. 

As I've already mentioned, I generally incorporate some reading and meditations from a book called A Course in Miracles, one of the most profound spiritual books and teachings in the world, into the meditations. 

The Afternoon Meditation tends to be shorter (15 to 20 minutes long) with a couple of minutes of Breathing and Moving Together to Help you Shake off any Negative Energy, followed by some Breathwatching and Mind-training using one of the ideas from the daily Workbook Lessons. 

The Evening Meditation is generally a bit longer (20 - 25 minutes), which will help you to Deeply Relax and Let Go of Stress and Negativity that you may have accumulated during the day. It will Refresh Your Mind and Boost your Energy Levels for the evening ahead and help you have a more flowing evening experience and also sleep better.

Once a week, we'll do a special Healing/Letting Go Meditation for something like Coronavirus or perhaps an 8-Phase Abundance Meditation I've developed to help you harness the power of Relaxation, Forgiveness, Love & Compassion, Gratitude, Vision, Intention, Surrender and Anchoring to fundamentally change the quality of your daily experience and systematically transform your life. 
Curious to find out more about these meditations and how you can do them in the comfort of your own home or office?

Watch the Video below to allow me to give you a brief introduction to these Free Online Meditation Sessions and guide you through a short 17-minute meditation right now... 

Note: The voice and audio in this video don't sync, but if that bothers you, you'll be closing your eyes during the meditation, so you won't be looking at me for most of this video :)

What People Are Saying About My Meditations...

"After meditation, I feel very relaxed and at ease whilst also full of energy and a keen sense of awareness."  
- Guy Daniels

"Through the practice of meditation, something I haven't done in a while, I realised what an important tool it is on our path. So I thank you for that gift." 
- Christian A.

"I think I had the best night's sleep I have had in a long time. Woke up refreshed and a willingness to start a new day. Thank you for the course - I am finding it most helpful." 
- Patricia Richards

"The model of daily meditation is a really good one, it gets everyone really engaged, and really helps to make you feel that you are completely immersed." 
- Mike  Farewell

"I have meditated to CDs from a couple of teachers and although they served their purpose at the time, I was not able to experience the sense of completeness that your CD provided - the breathing technique for chakra balancing is just what I needed - it's good to come out of meditation feeling energised and deeply relaxed, without having to physically exert oneself.

I must also add that the forgiveness exercise which you've included in the meditation was invaluable (going through this exercise left me with a sense of freedom and release). I absolutely love the energies I feel during the breathing exercises, and have already started experiencing strange but wonderful connections (meetings) with strangers - connections which have spiritually blessed me and left me in awe as to the way the Divine works in the background (as you said in the CD '...practising the meditation will profoundly influence your life...').

I really can't thank you enough for making this CD available to us - it truly is the best aid to meditation that I've bought to date and worth every penny. So once again Jonathan, thank you for this wonderfully freeing and empowering meditation."

- Virginia D.

Watch the Video Interview below with Debbie Fox, who, as a member of the Art of Letting Go Club, has done these Free Online Meditations regularly for over 6 months to find out more about How They Can Benefit You...

Are You Ready to Make Meditation a Regular Part of Your Day and Life?
And Start Looking and Feeling Like This?


When you register for these FREE SESSIONS, you'll also get access to the following FREE BONUSES:



  • A SHORT 'BREATH BREAK' or MINI-MEDITATION sent to you via WhatsApp Every Day

  • ​A HEALING MEDITATION to Help You toLet Go of Your Fear of the Coronavirus

  • 7 STEPS TO STAY HEALTHY - a 7-Step Programme to Ensure You Stay Healthy  

  • ​​A FREE TRIAL OF THE ART OF LETTING GO COURSE Valued at £100 (£123)

If you're a bit of a technophobe, rest assured that the process of logging in to the sessions is really easy and straightforward - you'll be prompted to download an App called Zoom to your smartphone, tablet or computer the first time you log in, which will only take a minute or two because it's a smallish app (only about 25 MB in size), and then you'll be ushered straight into the online meeting room.

So what are you waiting for? Get access to 2 FREE Live Online Meditations every day - that's 14 FREE Unique Meditation Sessions per week and about 25 hours of FREE Guided Meditations per Month - and all these FREE Bonuses by clicking the button below: 

Still Not Convinced Meditation is Right for You?

Here's What the Experts Have to Say About It...

“The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you.” 
- David Lynch (American film-maker, artist and musician)

“Meditation is not to escape from society, but to come back to ourselves and see what is going on. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. With mindfulness we know what to do and what not to do to help.”
 - Thich Nhat Hanh (Buddhist monk and renowned peace activist)
“Meditation is a must before you can really love. One should be capable of being alone, utterly alone, and yet tremendously blissful. Then you can love.” 
 - Osho (Indian mystic and spiritual teacher)

“Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body.”   
- Deepak Chopra (Author, speaker and alternative medicine advocate)

“Meditation is like giving a hug to ourselves, getting in touch with that awesome reality in us. While meditating we feel a deep sense of intimacy with God, a love that is inexplicable.”
- Paramahansa Yogananda (Indian yogi & introducer of yoga to the USA)

“In moments of madness, meditation has helped me find moments of serenity - and I would like to think that it would help provide young people a quiet haven in a not-so-quiet world.”
 - Paul McCartney (English musician and co-founder of 'The Beatles')

“If every eight-year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.”
  - The Dalai Lama (Tibetan spiritual leader)

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”
- Siddartha Gautama, aka 'the Buddha' (Indian spiritual teacher)


This is what our HAPPY CUSTOMERS have to say... 
"I think I had the best night's sleep I have had in a long time. Woke up refreshed and a willingness to start a new day. Thank you for the course I am finding it most helpful."  
Patricia Richards
"I am enjoying the meditation more each day and it appears that less questioning is happening when I listen to your voice. I feel restful and my anxiety levels are definitely reduced. The sleep track was interesting last night - when it ended and I took out the headset and drifted to sleep I could hear each heartbeat. I've never had that experience before, I have felt my heartbeat with my hand but not heard it."  
Click the 'Play' arrow below to listen to Robyn's full testimonial:  

"Just listened to the theta meditation. Nice work!" 
"I have meditated to CDs from a couple of teachers and although they served their purpose at the time, I was not able to experience the sense of completeness that your CD provided - the breathing technique for chakra balancing is just what I needed - it's good to come out of meditation feeling energised and deeply relaxed, without having to physically exert oneself. I must also add that the forgiveness exercise which you've included in the meditation was invaluable (going through this exercise left me with a sense of freedom and release). I absolutely love the energies I feel during the breathing exercises, and have already started experiencing strange but wonderful connections (meetings) with strangers - connections which have spiritually blessed me and left me in awe as to the way the Divine works in the background (as you said in the CD '...practising the meditation will profoundly influence your life...'). I really can't thank you enough for making this CD available to us - it truly is the best aid to meditation that I've bought to date and worth every penny. So once again Jonathan, thank you for this wonderfully freeing and empowering meditation."
"The morning (Guided Letting Go Theta) meditation has also been wonderful and really has brought a lot of value to my life. I love the second part of it where you centre yourself and smile... very powerful stuff this!" 

Click the 'Play' arrow below to listen to Martin's full testimonial:  

"I felt connected, inner peace, bliss and safe. Meditation is my gift and life. It helps me remain younger longer and become young at heart. Namaste!"

"For the past few days, I have experienced a sense of deep silence after meditating when incorporating toning into the meditation. I had another deep, peaceful meditation this morning, thank you! This has been one of the stand-out changes for me since doing this course with you. " 
"Slept very well, in fact so well I over slept. But, luckily, I’m in a situation to still be able to do the morning meditation. It was a fight this morning, but so very glad I did it as I now feel at peace. It’s amazing how we habitually wind ourselves up for our day ahead. When in fact our day is so much more productive, and enjoyable, when we’re connected. Yesterday was the first real relaxed day I’ve had in a long time. Again made me realise how much more enjoyable things can be when you find your flow... and what an important tool meditation is on our path. So thank you for that gift."

All these Happy CustomersSpiritual Luminaries, hundreds of Scientific Studies and tens of millions of ordinary people who meditate daily, creating a multi-billion dollar Mindfulness industry over the last decade, can't all be wrong about the profound benefits of Meditation

So What Are You Waiting For? 

There's never been a better time to start meditating than Now.

In fact, there never will be another time than Now, which is one of the Transformative Truths you'll learn for yourself when you meditate regularly.

Maybe you know this already. Maybe you've tried meditating before and had a Taste of the Peace Connecting to the Eternal Present can bring you, but you haven't been able to stick with it consistently. 

Why not? Apart from the obvious one of "I don't have the time", which isn't really true and is not a story that will ever help you to start meditating, there's probably 3 main reasons that I'll take a guess at below: 

1. No Accountability

There's no one waiting for you to join a Live meditation session, so it's all too easy not to do it on your own. Who's going to hold you accountable? No one... unless you join a Community of like-minded people who are all meditating together at the same time.

2. No Reminders

No one's sending you reminders to meditate at certain times of the day, so it's easy to get caught up in the activities of the day and forget to meditate. (Even if you've downloaded a meditation App, none of them will send you a WhatsApp message twice a day to say 'Come and join me now for a live meditation'). 

3. No Support

It's tough to create a new habit without psychological and emotional support, particularly if you're in an environment or living with people that don't support your intention to meditate regularly. You need a Community of Like-minded People who will support you in creating the Life-changing Habit of Regular Meditation

The Lifebuilder Community I've created can help you overcome all these obstacles and establish a regular meditation practice that becomes the foundation of a Healthier, Happier, More Fulfilled and More Succesful life for you.

Unless you're a mother with a new-born baby or gravely ill, it's never going to get easier to start meditating than now.

Being busy is no excuse! In fact, if you have a very busy life, you're the kind of person who most needs to meditate regularly just to cope with the inevitable problems and stress that your hectic life brings you.

How many days, weeks, months and years will you allow to slip by without doing something to change your state of mind and your life?

How long will you tolerate the stress, depression, anxiety, lack of purpose, addictions, sickness and dis-ease that runs like a river of misery through your life, robbing you of your happiness, peace, joy and very LIFE

"Insanity is doing
the same thing
over and over
again and expecting
a different result."
              - Albert Einstein

Take the first step to breaking this insane Cycle of Self-Sabotage now by signing up to do something different that has worked to help hundreds of millions of people for thousands of years improve their Quality of Life: Regular Meditation.

I look forward to connecting with you on the inside soon...

Yours in Peace

Jonathan Quail 
Breath & Meditation Coach
P.S. If you have any questions that I haven't answered, I'll be glad to answer them in person after the first meditation session you attend. Alternatively, why not join the FREE Art of Letting Go Online Masterclass in which I'll answer any questions you may have about meditation either during my presentation or afterwards during the Q&A time. To find out more and Register for the next FREE Webinar Now, Click Here...

P.P.S. You'll also get a FREE 30-minute Guided Letting Go Meditation when you attend The Art of Letting Go Online Masterclass, so why not Book Your Place for the Next FREE Masterclass Now?
Got any questions not answered on this page or having trouble registering? Feel free to drop us an email to admin @ (spaces inserted to trick spambots, not you!)
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